The 30th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC) virtual conference, June 26th – July 1st, 2022.
The ILRC-30 will be virtually held on the interactive platform Topia from June 26, 2022 through July 1, 2022. For those who have not used Topia before, the platform is provides an excellent environment for a successful interactive virtual event. It will include multiple virtual auditoriums, a poster area, gathering places and so on. In order to prepare yourself on what to expect in Topia, please read the Topia Basics.
As a result of lingering restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, the ILRC Organizing Committee has made the decision to switch this year’s ILRC conference format from “in-person” to “fully virtual.”
Please click here to read our latest statement, which provides the reason for our decision and what to expect in the weeks to come for ILRC-30 attendees. Note that CLRC has decided to maintain an in-person format in Big Sky. Despite different conference formats, the ILRC and CLRC Organizing Committees will continue to work together to offer a joint session.
Stay tuned, and visit the ILRC-30 website for further updates.
Looking forward to meeting you (virtually!) in June 2022
Notifications for Oral and Poster presentation selections have been sent out, if you submitted an abstract and have not heard back from the Program Committee, please contact
Free Registration for ILRC- 30 is now open. Please submit your registration using one of the appropriate forms listed below:
Regular Attendee Registration
Student Registration
Conference Topics