The inaugural biennial meeting offered opportunities for face-to-face interactions among the broader Earth Surface and Interior (ESI) community, sharing of ESI research highlights, information about upcoming missions, solicitations, and research opportunities, as well as training sessions and tutorials on key capabilities for the ESI community. The program also included discussions to collect community input that could help inform future projects, campaigns, or funding opportunities.

The NASA Solid-Earth Team includes investigators funded by ESI and related NASA research programs, associated postdocs, graduate students and their advisors, and members of mission science teams working on topics relevant to ESI. Other researchers and program managers with an interest in ESI were also encouraged to attend. 

SET 2019 Archive for Download:

SET 2019 Meeting participants in front of the venue, the Scripps Seaside Forum in La Jolla, California., Nov 4-6 2019

2019 Program Committee:


Chairs: Adrian Borsa and Susan Owen
Co-chairs: Ian Brosnan, Meghan Miller, Jeanne Sauber, and Jennifer Telling
Ex-Officio Members: Ben Phillips, Gerald Bawden, and Blaize Denfeld


Information on the 2022 meeting will be posted here

